Cambridge Community Library

Virtual Program: Didgeridoo Down Under

G'day! Didgeridoo Down Under is a high-energy, Australia-themed show that combines music, culture, comedy, character building, and storytelling. The didgeridoo has been played by Aboriginal Australians for at least 1,500 years and is known for its otherworldly sound. But DDU is more than music. It’s educational, motivational and super fun. You’ll learn about Aussie culture, animals and more, all while moving & grooving to the pulsing rhythms of the didge!
(for all ages)

Crazy Talk: A History of Mental Illness Language

This presentation will examine the history of language surrounding mental illness, how this language has evolved, how the words we have used and still use when talking about mental illness may contribute to the stigma surrounding mental illness, and where we are now (for example, the current concept of "person-first language"). Presented by Dr. Sarah Hessenauer, Department of Social Work, UW-Whitewater. This program is provided by a generous grant from Beyond the Page, This program is part of the series, "What We Are Going Through: Listening to Mental Illness."

Healing Through Storytelling

How does one address subjects too painful to speak of, too personal to publicize? And how does one do it in a manner that is both entertaining and informative? Come and meet author and speaker Karl Stewart and discover how he found a path through the Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD) that ravaged his family. Learn how the writing of two novels, The Seventh Cruise, and Up Harvey’s Creek provided the venue, first to explore the illness that plagued his father, and secondly how an eleven year old boy sought to cope with it.

Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the World


Jessica Michna shares with the audience Roosevelt's tragedies and triumphs.

Born into the opulent wealth of America's "Golden Age" she would grow from the shy, homely orphan into confident, driven woman. Annealed by personal tragedy, she would emerge as a champion of civil rights, author and stateswoman. Roosevelt is best summed up by President Harry S. Truman, who dubbed her "The First Lady of the World.”

Program is part of the Actively Aging Luncheon.


Rockin’ the Library with the Magic of Reading with The Great Scott (Scott Obermann)


Part of our summer reading program, Libraries Rock!


"The Magic of Reading"

This year, Great Scott's program is a great magic show with plenty of reading emphasis. Join him as he brings you another fantastic show with an emphasis on reading and library use. This show combines the fun of a magic show with a great message about being a better person. In short -- its gonna Rock!