
Paul Robeson: Ballad of an American

Paul Robeson -- Ballad of an American is an excerpted reading in performance of Sharon Rudahl's beautiful work Ballad of an American: A Graphic Biography of Paul Robeson (2020), edited by Paul Buhle and Lawrence Ware. Interspersed with Robeson's own music and words, beginning with an eleven-minute excerpt of his compelling interview before HUAC (House Un-American Activities Commitee), it uses the frank, direct writing, and imagery of Rudahl.

Indigenous Feminism: Stories of Identity and Stereotypes

A panel of Indigenous women and femmes from throughout the Midwest will talk about their leadership roles and work in the community as well as the challenges of Indigeneity in colonized society. The goal of this program is to address stereotypes of Native femininity and these connections to the international epidemic of MMIW (missing and murdered Indigenous women). Registration is not required, but sign up here for an email reminder if you like.

Writing Workshop: Loud 'n Unchained Theater Company

We All Queer
a writing workshop and community conversation on why we all queer and how queerness saves the world!

Loud ‘n’ Unchained Theater company presents a series of writing workshops and open mic events centering Black, Indigenous and POC, Queer, Trans and Disabled writers and authors.

Presenters request that all participants wear masks while in the space.

November 11 6-8pm Open Mic Night (feat. chalchiuhkoatl with Natalia and music by DJ Pearl Marshall)

November 12 12-1:30pm Writing Workshop (feat. chalchiuhkoatl)

Presenter Bio:

Trace the Line: A Community Conversation

Trace the Line is a feature length film about two young artists in the Midwest, a black man and a white woman, a poet and a painter. It depicts their lives as they try to understand the world that we are in now, especially as it relates to isolation, connection, and race relations. 

The filmmakers will show exclusive behind the scenes photos and clips with audience members ahead of the public release of the film. A Q&A discussion will give attendees the opportunity to reflect on how these themes are reflected in our local community.

Painted Man Country Dance

How does popular Country music, with its vivid imagery of small-town life and winding backroads connect to the ongoing struggle for equity occurring in our larger cities and counties? Join Country Swing Dance coach, David Hunt, as he explores how these separate experiences intertwine.